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Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds, small but mighty, are known for their nutty flavor and versatility in cooking. These tiny treasures are harvested from the pods of the sesame plant, offering a delightful addition to a wide range of dishes. Whether sprinkled on top of bread or incorporated into sauces and sweets, sesame seeds are a culinary gem.

Nutritional Benefits: Sesame seeds pack a nutritional punch despite their size. They are rich in healthy fats, protein, dietary fiber, and an array of essential vitamins and minerals. They are particularly high in calcium, which is beneficial for bone health.


  • Culinary Garnish: Sprinkle sesame seeds over salads, stir-fries, or sushi for added flavor and texture.
  • Baking Delight: Incorporate sesame seeds into bread, pastries, and cookies for a nutty twist.
  • Savory Sauces: Use sesame seeds or sesame oil as a key ingredient in sauces, like tahini for hummus or sesame paste for various Asian dishes.

Export Specifications: Sesame seeds intended for export must meet strict standards to ensure compliance with international regulations. Comprehensive quality control measures are in place to guarantee the safety, consistency, and quality of the product, making it suitable for a variety of global markets.

Packaging Details: Our sesame seeds are available in various packaging options to accommodate your needs, from small consumer-sized containers to larger bulk packages. Our packaging is designed to maintain the freshness and quality of the seeds while minimizing environmental impact. Customized packaging with your branding is also available, allowing you to present our premium sesame seeds with your unique identity.

Taste the Goodness, Embrace Wellness!

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